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MySQL Append Only

The MySQL source allows you to read data from a MySQL database. Currently, Mycelial only supports MySQL databases that are append only.

To use the MySQL source, you will need to install the Mycelial Daemon on the computer that has access to the MySQL database. Refer to the CLI documentation for instructions on how to install the Mycelial Daemon.


The Mycelial Daemon uses a TOML configuration file to specify the data sources and destinations that it has available to it. To add MySQL as a data source, you will need to add a section to the TOML file (config.toml) that looks like this:

type = "mysql_connector"
display_name = "Mysql Source"
url = "mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/test"
schema = "public"
tables = "*"
poll_interval = 5


The type field specifies the type of data source, in this case it is mysql_connector.


The display_name field is the name that will be displayed in the Mycelial user interface and via the API.


The url field is the connection string to the MySQL database. The format of the MySQL connection string is:



  1. Protocol: mysql://

    • Indicates the database type (MySQL) and connection protocol.
  2. User: user

    • The username for database authentication.
  3. Password: password

  • The password for the specified username.
  1. Host: localhost

    • The host where the database server is running. localhost means the server is on the same machine as the daemon.
  2. Port: 3306

  • The port number where the MySQL server is listening. The default is 3306.
  1. Database: test
  • The name of the database to connect to, here it is test.

This string instructs the daemon to connect to the test database on the local machine (localhost) using port 3306, with the username user and password password.


The schema field is the name of the schema that contains the tables that you want to read from.


The tables field is a comma separated list of tables that you want to read from. If you wish to read from all tables, then you can use the * wildcard.


The poll_interval field is the number of seconds between polling the database for new data.

Configuration via CLI


You will need to have the Mycelial CLI installed. Refer to the CLI documentation for instructions on how to install the Mycelial CLI.

Create a new config.toml file or add to an existing one

If you are creating a new config.toml file, you can use the Mycelial CLI init command to generate the file and add the source.

If you are adding to an existing config file you can use the Mycelial CLI add command to add the source to the existing config.

Choose source config options

When prompted with What would you like to do?, press the down arrow to highlight Add Source and press return (⏎).

? What would you like to do? ›
❯ Add Source ⏎
Add Destination

When prompted with What type of source would you like to add?, press the down arrow to highlight Append only MySQL source and press return (⏎).

? What type of source would you like to add? ›
Append only SQLite source
Excel source
Append only Postgres source
❯ Append only MySQL source ⏎
File source

When prompted for the Display Name press return (⏎) to accept the default or enter a display name and press return (⏎) . The display name is the name that will be displayed in the Mycelial user interface and via the API.

? Display name: (Mysql Source) › ⏎

When prompted for the Mysql username, enter the username for the Mysql user and press return (⏎).

? Mysql username: (user) › root ⏎

When prompted for the Mysql password, enter the password for the Posgres user and press return (⏎).

? Mysql password: › password ⏎

When prompted for the Server address, enter the host name or IP address for the Posgres database.

? Server address: (localhost) › ⏎

When prompted for the Mysql port, press return (⏎) to accept the default port or enter the port number for the Posgres database and press return (⏎).

? Mysql port: (3306) › ⏎

When prompted for the Database name, enter the name of the Posgres database and press return (⏎).

? Database name: (test) › my_db ⏎

When prompted for the Schema, press return (⏎) to accept the default schema or enter the name of the schema and press return (⏎).

? Schema: (public) › my_schema ⏎

When prompted for the Tables, press return (⏎) to accept the default (*) for all tables or enter a comma separated list of tables and press return (⏎).

? Tables: (*) › table1,table2 ⏎

When prompted for the Poll interval (seconds), press return (⏎) to accept the default value or enter the number of seconds between polling the database for new data and press return (⏎).

? Poll interval (seconds): (5) › ⏎

When prompted with What would you like to do?, press the down arrow to highlight Exit and press return (⏎).

? What would you like to do? ›
Add Source
Add Destination
❯ Exit

After exiting the CLI will generate or save the modified config.toml.


After you have added the MySQL source to the config.toml file, either manually or via the CLI, you can start the Mycelial Daemon. Once the daemon is running, you can open the Mycelial control plane web interface and you should see the MySQL source listed in the sources section.